While you have [Agumon], [Pulsemon], and [Gammamon], this card costs 0.
Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Add all Tamer cards with a play cost of 3 or less among them to the hand. Return the rest to the top of the deck.
Rarity: Promo
Number: P-116
Colors: White
Rarity: 2
Security Effect: Activate this card's [Main] effect.
Origin: Digimon Promotion Cards
Reveal the top 2 cards of your deck. Add all Tamer cards with a play cost of 3 or less among them to the hand. Return the rest to the top of the deck.
Rarity: Promo
Number: P-116
Colors: White
Rarity: 2
Security Effect: Activate this card's [Main] effect.
Origin: Digimon Promotion Cards
Product title
$19.99 USD | $24.99 USD
Product title
$19.99 USD | $24.99 USD
Product title
$19.99 USD | $24.99 USD
Product title