Vemmon [BT11-061] [Dimensional Phase] Normal

Product Type: Digimon Single Vendor: Digimon
SKU: dgm-bt11-061-nf

$2.00 USD

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Title: Near Mint
Near Mint

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You can include up to 50 copies of cards with this card's card number in your deck.

By suspending this Digimon, reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. Add up to 1 [Snatchmon], [Destromon], [Galacticmon], or [Fusionize] among them to your hand, and place 1 [Vemmon] among them under this Digimon as its bottom digivolution card. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order.
Rarity: Common
Number: BT11-061
Level: 3
Colors: Black
Rarity: 3
Digivolve 1 Level: 2
Digivolve 1 Color: Black
Digivolve 1 Cost: 0
Digimon Form: Rookie
Digimon Attribute: Unknown
Digimon Type: Unknown
Inherited Effect: [Your Turn][Once Per Turn] When this Digimon would digivolve into [Destromon] or [Galacticmon], reduce the digivolution cost by 1.
Origin: Dimensional Phase