Tokyo Revengers follows Takemichi Hanagaki, who is sent 12 years into the past after he hears of his ex-girlfriend’s death at the hands of the Tokyo Manji Gang.
Now that he’s back to living the best days of his life, he decides to take revenge on his life. The cast of the Tokyo Manji Gang is now coming to Weiß Schwarz!
◆ Yuuki Shin as Takemichi Hanagaki
◆ Azumi Waki as Hinata Tachibana
The cards in this Trial Deck+ may be used together with cards that have their card numbers beginning with 「TRV/」!
Product Details
- 20 types + 12 types (Parallel)
- Parallel cards are randomly sealed into decks! Each deck contains 2 shiny cards!
- 50 cards per deck
Product title
$19.99 USD | $24.99 USD
Product title
$19.99 USD | $24.99 USD
Product title
$19.99 USD | $24.99 USD
Product title